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               Dr. Gilles Wendling has provided assistance with review on technical projects ranging from                        evaluation of  proposed open loop geothermal well impacts on neighbouring public water                          supplies to advice regarding high capacity water well screen design.


Gilles is a very knowledgeable colleague and excels at providing alternative points of view when dealing with complex hydrogeologic (groundwater) issues. We recommend his services.



BC Groundwater Consulting Services Ltd.


Thierry Carriou, M.Sc., P.Eng.

Hydrogeologist (1993)

                In my role as Watershed Steward for the City of Dawson Creek over the past few years,                             a major effort has focused on increasing our understanding of surface and groundwater                             interactions in its domestic water supply area - the Upper Kiskatinaw River in the Upper Peace                     River basin of north-east BC. This work has required us to build upon limited, but rapidly expanding knowledge of watershed function from City, government, industry and academic sources.


GW Solutions has provided valuable services in furthering this scientific understanding through the creation of hydrogeological cross-sections, reviewing hydrological/land-use research and providing recommendations for improved groundwater monitoring and protection. Another important function has been in attending and delivering technical presentations to various public and stakeholder audiences as we endeavour to build our interest-based approach to water security and stewardship. 


The careful attention provided by Dr. Wendling in addressing our Watershed Program capacity-building objectives has been instrumental in helping us shape our current and future collaborations. I would strongly recommend GW Solutions in supporting the critical need of local governments to understand and strengthen their water supply and quality management capabilities. 


Reg Whiten 


Watershed Steward

City of Dawson Creek  

               In the capacity of Developer, we are typically looking for sustainable water solutions in support of                new development. What impressed me from the moment we started working with GW Solutions                  is the professionalism that runs throughout the entire team; you would expect a high                                    understanding of all things ‘hydrology’, but with Dr. Gilles Wendling and his team, you get much                more:


  • Local knowledge and historical data that helps profile aquifers, which in turn shortens the time required to locate drilling locations,

  • Geological resources on staff with Mr. Arnd Burgert, presents another layer of knowledge and information from which decisions can be made more accurately,

  • Excellent depth in the relationships that Dr. Wendling has fostered over the years at all levels of bureaucracy/government relevant to his field, relationships that allowed us to obtain clarity on process and meet our goals quickly,

  • Reporting detail in his work is precise and complete and tailored so that the reader can understand the issues fully,

  • Credibility, Dr. Wendling presents well and has the gravitas and respect in the industry to be accepted as a leader in his field. This is critical when our company presents to local government; our consultants must be seen as the strongest and most respected in their lines of expertise,

  • Presentability; Dr. Wendling (and those on his team that I’ve met) are all highly skilled, personable, organized, professionals and those qualities are all very valuable to us.


Often a project will require us to invite our consultants into our higher level meetings/presentations with government and it’s a great comfort to know that when it comes to our Hydrogeologist, we’re in good hands.


Allard Ockeloen

CEO, Lone Tree Properties Ltd.

               Western Maritime Institute required an assessment of the  impact of new student accommodation                  on the local aquifer to meet Regional District Planning requirements. 


               I contacted GW Solutions, who understood fully the requirement of the RDN, quoted us a fee for their services and developed a complete report meeting the full RDN requirements, on time and on budget. 


Bob Kitching, MSC, FRIN, FNIK, FCIT.


Master Mariner


               Our organization has worked closely with GW Solutions and Dr. Gilles Wendling for the last 3                  years on groundwater/surface water interactions, and aquatic ecosystem health standards. 


               GW Solutions is a first-rate, highly professional company of hydrogeology specialists, with a strong interest in resolving environmental risks in favour of progressive water management. We would not hesitate in recommending Dr. Wendling and his associates to any prospective client. 


J.C. (Craig) Wightman, RPBio.


Senior Fisheries Biologist

Living Rivers – Georgia Basin/Vancouver Island

BC Conservation Foundation, Lantzville, BC

               Since early 2010, Dr. Gilles Wendling of GW Solutions has been a key advisor and technical                    expert to CoalWatch on hydrology/hydrogeology issues regarding the proposed Raven Coal                      Mine Project. Aquifer and ground water concerns surfaced early in the environmental review                      process as key public issues.


Whether being the featured speaker at town hall meetings, providing comments and technical review during the drafting of the Application Information Requirements (AIR), or working with the Environmental Law Centre at UVic on a request to VIHA for a Drinking Water Protection Order, Dr. Wendling’s expertise has been invaluable. 


I would also add that all the local governments in the Comox Valley have passed motions requesting comprehensive aquifer mapping in the areas impacted by the proposed Raven Coal Mine, due mainly to the technical review and highlighting of AIR deficiencies done by Dr. Wendling. 


CoalWatch has been able to raise public awareness around the aquifer and ground water issues regarding the proposed Raven Coal Mine Project mainly because of the “above and beyond the call of duty” work by Dr. Wendling. I would highly recommend Dr. Wendling to anyone seeking expertise on hydrology/hydrogeology issues. 


John Snyder 



CoalWatch Comox Valley Society 

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