Water solutions for a healthy environment and community.
Physical Hydrogeology Report September 2016
Water Quality Report September 2016
Appendix 1 - Guidelines
Appendix 2 - Piper Plots
Appendix 3 - Canadian Water Quality Guidelines
Appendix 4 - Water Quality Index Federal Guidelines
Appendix 5 - BC Ministry of Environment Guidelines
Appendix 6 - Surface Water Scatter Plots
Finlay Arm Finlay River Fox River Kiskatinaw River
Lower Beatton Lower Halfway Lower Peace Lower Sikanni Chief
Mesilinka Milligan Creek Murray Peace Arm
Pine Smoky Toodoggone Upper Beatton
Upper Halfway Upper Muskwa Upper Peace Upper Sikanni Chief
Appendix 7 - Trend Analysis
Appendix 8 - Groundwater Types
Appendix 9 - Federal Guidelines
Appendix 10 - BC Provincial Guidelines
Appendix 11 - Aquifer Scatter Plots
Plot 385 Plot 440 Plot 441 Plot 442 Plot 443 Plot 444
Plot 448 Plot 451 Plot 589 Plot 590 Plot 591 Plot 592
Plot 593 Plot 594 Plot 595 Plot 596 Plot 598 Plot 622
Plot 625 Plot 627 Plot 628 Plot 630 Plot 633 Plot 634
Plot 635 Plot 638 Plot 639 Plot 688 Plot 689 Plot 690
Plot 850 Plot 851 Plot 903 Plot 910 Plot 917 Plot 929
Appendix 12 - Groundwater Trend Analysis
Databases - Groundwater
Databases - Surface Water