Okanagan Basin Water Board - Model

Based on communication with ECOSCAPE Environmental Consultants Ltd, GW Solutions understood that the objectives of the project were as follows:
In partnership with the BC Government identify which MODFLOW commercial graphical user interfaces will be used in the future so that the Okanagan developed MODFLOW will provide a provincial pilot model populated with ongoing Aquarius data.
Transform the available Geological Survey of Canada data, recently collected, into a format ready for input into MODFLOW. This will include professional assessment of the available data.
Integrate topographic and climate data into the Okanagan MODFLOW.
Integrate Leapfrog Hydro 3D modelling lithology models previously developed into MODFLOW.
Identify, and if possible, integrate previous hydrogeology data layers developed by Fresh Water Solutions for the BC Government into the Okanagan MODFLOW model.
Support the development of an interface between the OBWB Aquarius database and the MODFLOW
Complete a report that describes the architecture and components of an Okanagan modular finite-difference flow model (MODFLOW) including the following:
Recommendations on modeling approach for integrating groundwater and surface water.
Requirements for data and information (i.e. basin hydrogeology, climate data, etc.) to develop an Okanagan MODFLOW numerical model.
Identify the various data formats that the data needs to be in and identify how collected groundwater and surface water data from Aquarius may be added to the model over time.