Nanaimo Airport Water Strategy
The Nanaimo Airport Commission is aware of the value of the groundwater aquifer that lies beneath the airport, and recognizes its duty to...

ACFN Teck Frontier Project Review
ACFN territory extends from central Alberta to Slave Lake, where some of the largest industrial projects in the world (mining of tar...

Village of Tahsis - Groundwater Exploration Program and New Production Well
GW Solutions was retained by McElhanney Consulting Services Ltd. to carry out a groundwater exploration program and construct a new...

Duncan Langtry Road - Gravel Pit Hydrogeological Assessment
Proposed Expansion of Aggregate Mining and Potential Impact on the Groundwater Regime GW Solutions has completed a preliminary...

Department of Fisheries and Oceans - Liard Hot Springs Conceptual Model of Groundwater Regime
GW Solutions has defined a conceptual model of the groundwater regime in the area of the Liard Hot Springs (located near the BC-Yukon...