Village of Tahsis - Groundwater Exploration Program and New Production Well
GW Solutions was retained by McElhanney Consulting Services Ltd. to carry out a groundwater exploration program and construct a new production well for the Village of Tahsis.
The objectives of GW Solutions’ work were to:
find a suitable groundwater source (i.e. water meeting water quality guidelines, avoiding adverse conditions such as Groundwater Under Direct Influence of Surface Water (GUDI) or Groundwater at Risk of Containing Pathogens (GARP));
construct a production well that will yield a sufficient water to supply the Village of Tahsis;
conduct an aquifer pumping test with the new well;
propose a preliminary groundwater protection plan (GPP) in order to preserve both the quantity and the quality of the water source.

As part of GW Solutions’ work, the following tasks were completed:
review of background information;
drilling and completion of two test wells;
drilling and completion of a production well;
development of the production well;
aquifer/well pumping test;
water chemistry analysis;
development of a preliminary well head protection plan.