Review of Ajax Mine Application
GW Solutions has been retained by the Stk’emlupsemc Te Secwepemc Nation (SSN) to review the application submitted by KGHM Ajax Mining...

Peace River Regional District/T8TA - Groundwater Baseline Study
GW Solutions has completed a compilation, sorting, formatting, and organization of publicly available data on surface water and...

Bonaparte IR #3 - Groundwater Exploration Program with the Construction and Testing of a New Product
GW Solutions was retained by David Nairne & Associates Ltd (DNA) to carry out a groundwater exploration program with the construction and...

Yellow Point Ventures
Yellow Point Ventures is developing Phase 2 of the proposed subdivision at 3850 Yellow Point Road, Cedar, BC. Phase 2 involves the...

Department of Fisheries and Oceans - Conuma River Hatchery
GW Solutions, when completing a new 12-inch production well (PW7-2015-GWS-12In) at the Conuma River hatchery, observed that some of the...